On Friday, 13 May 2016 at 07:31:26 UTC, Joakim wrote:
He mentions Swift, Rust, and Go as his hopes at the end, too bad he doesn't include D:


He'd probably be happy with D, particularly given Walter's stance on the monkey-patching that guy now rues:

"Monkey-patching has, in Ruby, been popular and powerful. It has also turned out to be a disaster. It does not scale, and is not conducive to more than one person/team working on the code base."

That blogger probably wishes he read that quote from Walter four years ago. ;)

"basing themselves on interpreted, slow languages that favoured ‘easy to learn’ over ‘easy to maintain’."

Yep. Frustration kicks in sooner or later. I always tell people not to use scripting languages for bigger or real world projects.

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