On Tuesday, 24 May 2016 at 22:01:17 UTC, qznc wrote:
On Tuesday, 24 May 2016 at 19:47:52 UTC, qznc wrote:

I discovered radare2. While it is actually a debugger (like gdb), it includes a nice disassembler. Example view, which shows the loop calling std.algorithm.find repeatedly:

       |   0x00402e08,   0 |           nop [rax+rax+0x0]
      .--> 0x00402e10,   0 |           mov rdx, [rbx]
      ||   0x00402e13    0 |           mov rcx, [rbx+0x8]
      ||   0x00402e17    0 |           mov rdi, r15
      ||   0x00402e1a    0 |           mov rsi, r12
|| 0x00402e1d 0 | call 0x409160 ; 4 = sym._D3std9algorithm9searching34__T4fin
      ||   0x00402e22    0 |           mov rcx, [rbx]
      ||   0x00402e25    0 |           sub rcx, rax
      ||   0x00402e28,   0 |           mov [rbx+0x20], rcx
      ||   0x00402e2c,   0 |           dec ebp
`==< 0x00402e2e 0 | jnz 0x402e10 ; 5 = 0x00402e10
       |   0x00402e30,   0 |           lea r15, [rsp]

Note the ASCII arrow on the left! Objdump should do that. :)

Any suggestions how we can make find more efficient?

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