On Thursday, 26 May 2016 at 17:50:36 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
That would be templated so like byUTF!char and byUTF!wchar right?

Then byCodePoint can just be another name for byUTF!dchar. I kinda like that.

Ideally, the string type would also use lazy imports for any conversion table. So if you never call byGrapheme, it never imports the std.uni tables. (Heck, std.uni could be the one to provide that type, of course.)

This has the added benefit that it would automatically work with a lot of generic code that uses those functions.

Would an RCStr pass isSomeString? I kinda think it shouldn't.

I agree, it shouldn't. isSomeString should only test for one of the language provided string types.

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