On Friday, 27 May 2016 at 23:42:24 UTC, Seb wrote:
So what about the convention to explicitely declare a `.transient` enum member on a range, if the front element value can change?

An alternative solution is to extend data-flow/escape-analysis to forbit references to `scope`d-variables from leaking outside of the scope where it's declared. If the element variable in the `foreach`-statement is then qualifed with `scope` the developer can safely use the front-reference inside the foreach-scope without worrying about it leaking into the enclosing scopes.

However, this solution, of course, requires the developer to remember to use the `scope` keyword every time he iterates over a transient range, which might not be what want in terms of simplicity.

For a very technical plan on how to implement this in D see


Could this big undertaking be split up into smaller more managable parts?

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