On Thursday, 2 June 2016 at 21:32:28 UTC, Mathias Lang wrote:
It shouldn't be necessary. I believe that is because of `dmd -man`, which open a web browser.

That's an apt-d issue (in hopefully Jordi Sayol will read this) which prevents using this repository if your machine has no X (I guess you
discovered that on a server, as I did).

Yes. It also supports multiple versions side by side and also installs dub. You can find the source here: https://github.com/dlang/installer/blob/master/script/install.sh

Example usage:

# Install dmd 2.70.0
~/dlang/install.sh install dmd-2.70.0

# Install dmd 2.69.0
~/dlang/install.sh install dmd-2.69.0

# start using version 2.70.0
activate ~/dlang/dmd-2.70.0

# stop using version 2.70.0

# start using version 2.69.0
activate ~/dlang/dmd-2.69.0

# stop using version 2.69.0

# uninstall version 2.69.0
~/dlang/install.sh uninstall dmd-2.69.0

# removes everything installed so far
rm -rf ~/dlang

# downloads (again) the install script and
# installs the latest stable version of the compiler.
curl -fsS https://dlang.org/install.sh | bash -s dmd

Yes, it's a server.
It's actually a linux branded SmartOS zone and the install script does not seem to work. I have always been using the .deb package and it's been working, I just didn't want xdg-utils and all the other stuff that comes with it.

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