On 6/18/2016 1:52 AM, Robert burner Schadek wrote:
Ok, where is this list? And where is list for phobos?

I've posted them from time to time. Most recently I put a "call to action" in the thread "size_t vs uintptr_t". Many people have come up to me and asked for a list of ideas, I've given them a list, and they did something else, every time.

Off the top of my head, work items for phobos I've repeatedly posted in various forms:

1. eliminate all gratuitous use of gc
2. review all Phobos modules for compatibility with ranges - std.zip, for example, was done before ranges and does not work with them
3. use -cov to improve code coverage of Phobos modules
4. make sure every function in Phobos has an example
5. make sure every function in Phobos has Params: and Returns: sections
6. replace std.xml with something we can be proud of
7. compile a list of popular modules in other languages and see what we should 
8. create a greenthreads module that works like Goroutines
9. create a module that enables code to be run on GPUs
10. now that D can interface to C++ templates and exceptions, create the interface code to the C++ STL
11. review all of Phobos for @safe compatibility
12. remove dependency on autodecode from Phobos
13. there was recently a thread on Phobos desperately needing a BigDecimal module, someone helpfully posted links to a couple of free C versions, I suggested that someone build a D wrapper for one or convert one to D. Sadly, that was the end of the discussion :-( 14. I regularly ask people to write articles about D, and the situation is slowly getting better, in that more and more good ones are getting written

I've learned to not ask for a gui library :-)

There is no shortage of action items. Just hang out in the n.g. for a bit.

Of course you can not appoint people, but you should have an idea who you think
is sharing your overall vision of D. And then you can ask them. Delegating work
is nice, but I would like you to delegate power.

I do and I do. Andrei, for example, is in charge of Phobos. Martin does the releases. Etc. I do not remotely make all the decisions. I do my best not to undermine or micromanage others who do make decisions, trying to only step in when I felt something has really gone wrong.


What do you want to work on?

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