On Wednesday, 22 June 2016 at 14:11:12 UTC, Jack Stouffer wrote:
On Wednesday, 22 June 2016 at 13:46:50 UTC, qznc wrote:

Including scripting languages in that example is unfair as they only lex the file.

Right away you can tell that "Hello World" is a poor example of fast compile times because GCC is near the top; (as you probably know) large Cpp projects can have half hour to an hour long build times. Large projects are way faster to compile using dmd.

From a marketing standpoint, you want simple things to compile fast. Ain't nobody gonna create big applications in multiple languages to see which one compiles faster. They will most likely go a little bit further than hello world, if they know what they are doing. Testing things that shows lexing speed, linking speed, etc, but they aren't gonna do complicated stuff.

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