On Saturday, 2 July 2016 at 08:02:30 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
On Saturday, 2 July 2016 at 01:20:35 UTC, Hiemlick Hiemlicker wrote:
public struct Foo
        public void Create(T)(uint delegate(T) c, T param)

Foo f;

f.Create((x) { }, "asdf");

cannot deduce arguments compiler error.

Surely D can figure out that T is a string?

If one simply changes this to

public struct Foo(T)
        public void Create(uint delegate(T) c, T param)


Foo!string f;

everything works.

The second parameter is a string so why not infer that T is a string?

Also, if one does

f.Create((string x) { }, "asdf");

Then it works. Seems like a blatant limitation in D's type inferencing system.

Those lambdas don't return uint, they return void, so they could never match anyway.

Here's a simple example showing the problem I think you are getting at:

void create(T)(void delegate(T) c, T param) {}

void main()
//  create((x){}, "fdsa"); // can't deduce
    create!string((x){},"fdsa"); // OK
    create((string x){},"fdsa"); // OK

I don't know how difficult it would be to make this work, but you could definitely file an enhancement request for it at issues.dlang.org

Well, I guess I should have put a return in the code on the mock up so it wouldn't be taken literal.

The point is, the second argument is definitely a string, is it not? So the compiler should be able to deduce that T is a string, should it not? Regardless of what the delegate does.

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