Sometimes I idly wonder what would have happened if D were available in the 80's. Sort of like if you put a modern car for sale in the 1960's.

Sure, but that violates causality and means nothing. Instead, lets go into the future, which we can do(with our minds at least), and see what D is(can be) and then bring that in to the present(which is the future, because tomorrow becomes today).

I see D is the singular greatest language man has seen since 2025. No one even bothers writing or studying compilers any more because D is the bee's knee's. The reason people create something new is because the old isn't working for them. Let's make D work for everyone instead of the few anointed.

20. I hope the D community can come together at some point and work towards a common goal that will benefit humanity. It's a mini-cosmos of what is going on in the world today. Everyone is in it for themselves and they don't realize the big picture and how every little thing they do has an enormous impact on the human species. We aren't doing this stuff for fun, we do it to make a better life for ourselves, which means we also have to do it for everyone else(because
we are all in it together).

I think we do remarkably well considering that D is an effort by self-motivated enthusiasts, not by bored people working on it just because they're paid to.

Yes, but that is an excuse not to do better. It leads to laziness, lack of focus, disorganization, weakness, atrophy, and eventually death(it is the way of life).

You obviously spent nearly a life creating D. Do you want to see it die out like the dodo? D is your brain child and you gave it a great beginning, but I see it's mid life as pointing towards an untimely death. It's hard to create something great in the first place, but it takes more work to keep it their.

Have you read Christopher Alexander's `A Pattern Language`? It applies not only to architecture, computer programming, compilers, etc but life itself. I'd like to see D live because all the alternatives are substandard.

D needs leadership, specific goals, and an organizational structure. A plan of action to achieve these as soon as possible. If we were in a dessert without water, would we want to find water as soon as possible or take our time?

D's lackadaisical approach leads to lackadaisical results. There is an abundance of free labor trying to make it work, but it is inefficient and usually requires highly motivated and intelligent individuals to add to D. Instead, how about a more efficient approach that maximizes leverage?

The top of the organization structure, the most intelligent, motivated, and dedicated create the goals and structures that will knowingly lead to the best results.

e.g.(just a simple off the cuff type of breakdown)


The D language must be robust, capable of all the desirable behaviors that everyone expects such as intelligibility(readable), efficiency(no code duplication), coherently implementable(no piecemeal implementations), thoroughly documented, etc.

The D compiler must be robust, efficient, cleanly implementable, stable, easily maintainable, extensible, expandable, usable, platform agnostic/independence(not the binary, the core design), etc.

The D library must be stable, efficient, coherent, logical, nested/hierarchical, platform agnostic/independent. Support a variety of usages(Gui, Graphics, Games, Devices, core, systems, etc...)

The D tools must be stable, effective, specific, organized, etc.

The D IDE must be stable, effective, friendly, increase efficiency as best as possible for the user. It should work to increase the productivity on all levels of the D regime since the IDE is the portal in to the D world. Hence, it can include forum connections, bug reporting, organizational contribution interfacing, etc.


Everything must work together in a cohesive way. The only way this can happen is if it is design that way from the get go.

D has some/many of these things. But it is due to people with different ideas of the goal(since it hasn't been laid out). When the goal is understand, it is generally very easy for anyone to accomplish it. When it is not, don't expect the goal to be reached.

Once the goal has been well defined, it can be broken down into parts and each part tackled by individuals. A program could be written to help manage the complexities and make it efficient for users to help tackle. This might be difficult to do initially but will pay off in the long run. If designed properly it could be integrated or built in to the IDE. Everything should be modular as much as possible. Any changes at any point in the goals(design change) effects all changes further down the structure. As the structure becomes larger, the weaknesses show through and the ripples in the space time continuum can lead to a total collapse(humpty dumpty still exists, he's just in a lot of pieces and no one cares about him any more).

Regardless, I'm sure you know about all this type of stuff. It's more about the drive to implement it. I personally would like to see a whole knew paradigm shift in programming. Something involving direct brain to computer interfacing... unfortunately I need D to get their.

...Anyways, don't take my complaints too harshly. I realize it's a work in progress. I'm trying to `inspire`(ok, maybe not the best word) you to grow some balls(or bigger balls) and lead the way. D is your child, it's ultimately up to you to make it grow in to the person(or, uh, the language/compiler tool set) that you desire it to be. If you can't do it on your own(too old and tired, lack of motivation, lack of time, etc) find the people you need to make it happen then let them do it and you can sit back and crack the whip every once in a while, while you sip on your latte.

The DeLorean won't build itself and someone has to make/find the flux capacitor if it's going to work.

Maybe go talk to Microsoft and see if they will fund you? Tell Trump you'll vote for him if he supports the D foundation!

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