On Tuesday, 2 August 2016 at 11:44:17 UTC, qznc wrote:
On Tuesday, 2 August 2016 at 08:07:38 UTC, Basile B. wrote:
I was thinking about the value of what we do in the life, daily, the jobs, etc

I've endend with this conclusion:

The more you're able to create debt, the more you'll earn.
example, CIO: hudge pay, because your 1000 salaries will create a lot of debt. Architect, huge pay: your client will create a debt on 20 years, etc...you see the logic.

The more your job maintains the system the more it'll be renumerated. The amount of money you earn is actually not proportional to your work, the amount of money you earn simply represents your ability to create debts.

What do you think about that ?

According to Graeber [0], money = debt.

However, I assume your comment comes from a socio-critical position,

Yes, this is a bit the prysm, though much less than when I was younger. Also I was a bit high when I've written this and now I'm a bit embarassed to see this topic on front of the home-page ( :/ )

where you want to associate overpaid bosses with negative words like "debt". Note that debt is not inherently a bad or evil thing, especially not for the rich. Debt is not something to be avoided. It is something to be managed. Likewise a programmer should not avoid technical debt completely. Instead it should be consciously taken, managed, and payed in due time.

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debt:_The_First_5000_Years

The problem with the debt system is that we end with countries that does not produce anymore rough basic goods, and that barely produce their own foods, growth becomes totally abstract. Whatever you produce during your whole life (either goods, services, etc) is not anymore enough for growth, it's not anymore the center of the system.

The 2010's years crisis of the sovereign debts in Europe has shown how this is weak, unstable and toxic: people were not suddenly less productive or less competent however suddenly their "production" had less value...

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