On 8/6/2016 1:21 AM, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:
On Friday, 5 August 2016 at 20:53:42 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

I agree that the typical summation algorithm suffers from double rounding. But
that's one algorithm. I would appreciate if you would review
http://dlang.org/phobos/std_algorithm_iteration.html#sum to ensure it doesn't
have this problem, and if it does, how we can fix it.

Phobos's sum is two different algorithms. Pairwise summation for Random Access
Ranges and Kahan summation for Input Ranges. Pairwise summation does not require
IEEE rounding, but Kahan summation requires it.

The problem with real world example is that it depends on optimisation. For
example, if all temporary values are rounded, this is not a problem, and if all
temporary values are not rounded this is not a problem too. However if some of
them rounded and others are not, than this will break Kahan algorithm.

Kahan is the shortest and one of the slowest (comparing with KBN for example)
summation algorithms. The true story about Kahan, that we may have it in Phobos,
but we can use pairwise summation for Input Ranges without random access, and it
will be faster then Kahan. So we don't need Kahan for current API at all.

Mir has both Kahan, which works with 32-bit DMD, and pairwise, witch works with
input ranges.

Kahan, KBN, KB2, and Precise summations is always use `real` or `Complex!real`
internal values for 32 bit X86 target. The only problem with Precise summation,
if we need precise result in double and use real for internal summation, then
the last bit will be wrong in the 50% of cases.

Another good point about Mir's summation algorithms, that they are Output
Ranges. This means they can be used effectively to sum multidimensional arrays
for example. Also, Precise summator may be used to compute exact sum of
distributed data.

When we get a decision and solution for rounding problem, I will make PR for

I hear you. I'd like to explore ways of solving it. Got any ideas?

We need to take the overall picture.

It is very important to recognise that D core team is small and D community is
not large enough now to involve a lot of new professionals. This means that time
of existing one engineers is very important for D and the most important
engineer for D is you, Walter.

In the same time we need to move forward fast with language changes and druntime
changes (GC-less Fibers for example).

So, we need to choose tricky options for development. The most important option
for D in the science context is to split D Programming Language from DMD in our
minds. I am not asking to remove DMD as reference compiler. Instead of that, we
can introduce changes in D that can not be optimally implemented in DMD (because
you have a lot of more important things to do for D instead of optimisation) but
will be awesome for our LLVM-based or GCC-based backends.

We need 2 new pragmas with the same syntax as `pragma(inline, xxx)`:

1. `pragma(fusedMath)` allows fused mul-add, mul-sub, div-add, div-sub 
2. `pragma(fastMath)` equivalents to [1]. This pragma can be used to allow
extended precision.

This should be 2 separate pragmas. The second one may assume the first one.

Recent LDC beta has @fastmath attribute for functions, and it is already used in
Phobos ndslice.algorithm PR and its Mir's mirror. Attributes are alternative for
pragmas, but their syntax should be extended, see [2]

The old approach is separate compilation, but it is weird, low level for users,
and requires significant efforts for both small and large projects.

[1] http://llvm.org/docs/LangRef.html#fast-math-flags
[2] https://github.com/ldc-developers/ldc/issues/1669

Thanks for your help with this.

Using attributes for this is a mistake. Attributes affect the interface to a function, not its internal implementation. Pragmas are suitable for internal implementation things. I also oppose using compiler flags, because they tend to be overly global, and the details of an algorithm should not be split between the source code and the makefile.

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