On Monday, 1 August 2016 at 15:31:35 UTC, Emre Temelkuran wrote:
I always ignored D, i prejudiced that D failed, because nobody were talking about it. I decided to check it yesterday, it has excellent documentation, i almost covered all aspects. I think D is much better than the most of the other popular langs. It's clear as JScript, Swift, Julia and PHP, also it's capable enough as C,C++. I think D deserves a bigger community.

Why people need NodeJS, Typescript etc, when there is already better looking lang? Everyone talking about how ugly is Golang. So why people are going on it? Performance concerns? Why languages that are not backed up by huge companies are looking like they failed?

I lurk this forum every so often, since the time when there was this funny guy who ranted like a rude drunkard. At work I developed in dBase, Turbo Pascal, Delphi, Visual Basic, ASP, Java, C# and PHP, roughly in that temporal order, but most of my few hobby project and freelance work have been in Delphi, then Lazarus. D seems to have enhanced a lot, and I have even downloaded dlangide source once to try compiling and running it. I ran into some dub dependency problem and forgot about it. I guess, bundling the tools, ide and a couple good demos into an easily downloadable installation package (or package repo as in Debian) could be of some help. See for example:



Hope this helps,


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