On 20/08/16 00:51, Walter Bright wrote:
On 8/18/2016 7:59 PM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
Alas, C insisted on making everything int all the time and D followed
that :(

Actually, Adam's suggestion on how things should work is precisely how C works (except it trails off at int).

a = b + c;

if b and c are both a byte, and a is a byte, the result is unpromoted. If a is a short, the result is promoted. I know the mechanism is completely different than what Adam was suggesting, but the end result is precisely the same.

> One would have to be *really* sure of their ground in coming up with
> allegedly better rules.

Would "no narrowing implicit casts" be considered such a better rule? :-)

Again, I'm not saying it's a bad rule, just that does have consequences. What I'm saying is that we are, already, changing things.


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