On Wednesday, 24 August 2016 at 00:40:15 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
That wouldn't work for e.g. NaN. A NaN wants to "steal" a value but only if that's not available. It's complicated.

Ok, I get your point. WithNaN should not waste the "official range" when there is a huge wasted representable range that can be exploited to choose the special NaN value. While this would be a very good thing, it poses a problem.

If a hook is allowed to special-case values outside the official range, then it may happen that composing two hooks, they both special-case the same value, leading to wrong results. For example, in some statistical oriented environments, the special value NA (not available), very similar to NaN, is used to represent missing input data; a WithNA hook may decide to use the same policy used by WithNaN to reserve its NA value, causing corruption, as the same value has two meanings.

So, the first solution is that hooks should always reserve special values from the edges of the official range, and expose to the higher layer a correctly reduced official range.

The second solution is having two ranges: the "official range" and the "usable range", where the usable range is the full representable range minus the special values already used. Hooks must take special values from the usable range and reduce it accordingly, while leaving the official range intact.

The third (more complex) solution, which leaves the official range intact, is that hooks should take special values from wherever outside the official range and in some way communicate to the higher level which values are already taken. This is not impossible nor conceptually difficult, but it may not be worth.

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