On Saturday, 3 September 2016 at 15:54:31 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Saturday, September 03, 2016 15:06:33 Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d wrote:
On 9/3/16 5:36 AM, Manu via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> This document: https://wiki.dlang.org/Contributing_to_Phobos
> States: "Avoid unittest in templates (it will generate a new > unittest for each instance) - put your tests outside"

Actually that's a good thing, sometimes you do want to run a unittest for each instantiation.

Sometimes, sure. But usually not.

> Sounds reasonable, but then I realised that most of my unit > tests are documenting unittests... this recommendation is in > conflict with the documentation standards... who wins?

Just version it only for the documentation.

Then the tests won't be run unless your documentation build is also your unittest build, and they frequently can't be the same - e.g. when something differs between operating systems, and you have a separate D_Ddoc or StdDdoc block so that you can have proper documentation without requiring that the documentation be built on all systems and potentially being able to document what exists on each system. For instance, the supported clock types vary quite a bit across operating systems, so the core.time.ClockType enum has different values on different systems and version(CoreDdoc) is used so that the documentation can list them all and list the consistently across systems.

You could add some sort of version identifier that's specific to your build that you use for your unittest builds (similar to how Phobos has StdDdoc separate from D_Ddoc), but even if you do that, you still have the problem of the non-generic unit tests within a template being compiled into every instantiation of the template that's part of your unittest build, and all of those tests will get run, increasing both the build times and the time it takes to run the unit tests.

- Jonathan M Davis

You can just enable the unittests for a single instance that you know for sure that it will be used. For example: 1) https://github.com/dlang/phobos/blob/v2.071.2-b3/std/experimental/ndslice/slice.d#L808

2) https://github.com/dlang/phobos/blob/v2.071.2-b3/std/experimental/ndslice/slice.d#L947

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