On Monday, 12 September 2016 at 09:25:40 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
You mean your serialization library will break if @property changes behavior?

Any serialisation library can break if a property is indistinguishable from an ordinary type, as a property is explicitly code that returns a value and faces all the allowances and restrictions that normal functions have.

In my case, it will break if this template fails:

template IsVariable( X... ) if ( X.length == 1 )
static if( is( X[ 0 ] == void ) || is( typeof( X[ 0 ] ) == void ) )
    enum IsVariable = false;
  else static if ( !IsSomeType!( X[ 0 ] ) )
    static if( isSomeFunction!( X[ 0 ] ) )
enum IsVariable = isFunctionPointer!( X[ 0 ] ) || isDelegate!( X[ 0 ] );
      enum IsVariable = is( typeof( X [ 0 ] ) )
              && !is( typeof( X [ 0 ] ) == void )
              && IsMutable!( typeof( X[ 0 ] ) );
    enum IsVariable = false;

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