Am Tue, 13 Sep 2016 18:16:27 +0000
schrieb Laeeth Isharc <>:

> Thanks you for the clear explanation.   So if you don't have GC 
> allocations within RC structures and pick one or the other,  then 
> the concern does not apply?
That's right. Often such structures contain collections of
things, not just plain fields. And a list or a hash map working
in a @nogc environment typically checks its contained type for
any pointers with hasIndirections!T and if so adds its storage
area to the GC scanned memory to be on the safe side.
That means every collection needs a way to exempt its contents
from GC scanning and the user needs to remember to tell it so.

A practical example of that are the EMSI containers, but
other containers, i.e. in my own private code look similar.

  struct DynamicArray(T, Allocator = Mallocator, bool supportGC = 

Here, when you use a dynamic array you need to specify the
type and allocator before you get to the point of opting out
of GC scanning. Many will prefer concise code, go with GC
scanning to be "better safe than sorry" or don't want to fiddle
with the options as long as the program works. This is no
complaint, I'm just trying to draw a picture of how people end
up with more GC scanned memory than necessary. :)


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