On Monday, 3 October 2016 at 01:24:45 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 10/2/2016 4:57 PM, Jacob wrote:
While on the subject, taking the address of a struct's method returns an incorrect type that allows it to be called incorrectly even with @safe. Which is a bit ironic cause then it can't be cast'd to a type that is actually safe to use.

    auto func = &SomeStruct.someFunc;
func(); // ops runtime error, allows calling function that needs an object

Please file bugzilla issues for these sorts of things. Thanks!

> C++ makes this a pointer to a member function which looks
like: "void
> (SomeStruct::*)()" for the example above. Either way for
safety and just having
> a defined way to call a pointer to a member function would be


Has existed since 2010... https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3720

Also using a proxy is suboptimal, if you use a cast() and add in "ref SomeStruct" as a parameter, it functions properly and doesn't require the proxy.

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