On Sunday, 6 November 2016 at 05:07:10 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
if (auto variable = fun(); variable != 42) {

Why does the word "variable" need to appear twice? It seems simpler to allow punctuation around existing syntax:

// possible future D
if ((auto variable = fun()) != 42) {

Avoiding stuttering is nice, but maybe it could be made a bit clearer if declarations were allowed for ref arguments and we used a named function:

alias let = (ref v) => v;

if (let(auto variable = fun()) != 42) {...}

The same feature allows tuple unpacking:

produceTuple.unpack(auto str, int i);

C# has argument declarations. Just an idea. I personally like the C++ syntax too as local variable names are usually short and it avoids brackets.

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