On Sunday, 4 December 2016 at 00:23:32 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:
On Sunday, 4 December 2016 at 00:14:26 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:
On Saturday, 3 December 2016 at 23:30:58 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:

I figured out part of the reason for this bug.
baically it's like this.

//causes and unconditonal jump (UC1) after the end of the block
// causes an unconditional jump(UC2) here to the end of the block
UC2: goto endBlock;
UC1: goto BeginBlock;

Some progress had been made on this.
There is still a little hiccup with (true) and (false) conditions but those can be eliminated soon.
For the most part breaking out of infinite loops works now.

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