On Monday, 5 December 2016 at 14:40:46 UTC, D.Rex wrote:

I have done as you have said here, I have glfw3.dll into the same directory as the executable, and included the dependencies in the dub.json file, however when I run my intialization code, it gives me the following error:

 Failed to load one or more shared libraries:
        glfw3.dll - Access is denied.

OK, this has nothing to do with your code or with Derelict. When you get a SharedLibLoadException, the message it contains comes from the system. In this case, it's the bit that says 'Access is denied'. I've never encountered that while loading libraries on Windows. It looks like something to do with file permissions, but I really have no idea. You'll need to consult Google to find out what it means to get that message in conjunction with LoadLibrary (which is what Derelict is using internally).

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