On Thursday, 15 December 2016 at 03:56:56 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
How on earth is that preferable?

Sorry, forgot to actually answer your question. It is preferable since it is implied by a simple rule (function attributes go with @) rather than rote learning of effectively random historical data.

But even if you don't think that's preferable, there's still a difference between having a different preference and having one preference actually being enforced by the language. In terms of coding style, nobody expects a language to enforce a certain variable naming convention either.

And this particular change would probably not incur any breakage of existing code, unless people happen to be using UDAs with the same name as function attribute keywords. It would also, if absolute lack of inconsistency is your only determinant, allow for this:

@pure @final @nogc func()
@final class G{}

which does fit your stated requirement.

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