On Friday, 13 January 2017 at 23:13:43 UTC, Daniel Kozak wrote:
On Friday, 13 January 2017 at 22:12:55 UTC, André Puel wrote:

Could you elaborate on why you consider it important to be able to tell when you use mixin and when not?

because it is something really different, so it is nice to know when you call something and when you mixin some code into curent scope.

Yes, please, elaborate on that. Why is it really different? What are your thoughts on C macros?

Btw. I was on a same side as you are now (I am still in some way, I would prefer some shortcuts)

In D, you don't know if a member is a function call or an attribute when you access it without parenthesis:

    myObj.a; //Is it a function call or an attribute?

Not completly true:

class MyClass
    int a;
    void b() {}

void main()
    auto myObj = new MyClass;
    myObj.a; // this does not compile

I meant the property pattern. You access an attribute and it could be a direct access in the memory or it could be a request to a remote database. One happens instantly, the other got a lot of complex things in the way. You could even get a thrown exception by just accessing an "attribute".

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