Am 15.02.2017 um 07:43 schrieb Mike Parker:
On Tuesday, 14 February 2017 at 20:14:32 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

I would point out that we technically don't support Windows XP. If you
use D with it, and it works for you, great, but you're on your own.

Which is why the OMF libs need to be updated. They're ancient!

That being said, I don't know enough about the Windows SDK to have any
clue what we should do with it. If it actually requires Windows 10 to
use the Win10 SDK, then I don't see how we could include it by
default, since we do support Windows 7 (and most folks I know who use
Windows refuse to upgrade beyond 7 until they have to, though there
are obviously plenty of folks out there on 8 or 10).

It should be fine to just update the libraries to the Win 7 SDK
versions. Anyone who actually needs any newer API functions can either
use the MS linker or do what we already have to do with the OMF libs and
either manually load them via the LoadLibrary API or generate their own.

Though, I do recall a discussion on this quite a while ago. I can't
remember how it ended.

Although the Windows 10 import libraries should work fine for a Windows 7 application, too. At least the 8.1 SDK guarantees backwards compatibility down to Windows 7. The 10 SDK has some breaking changes in the runtime, but that AFAIK doesn't affect the WinAPI import libraries.

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