On 2017-02-16 01:37, ZombineDev wrote:

BTW, shouldn't we use `enum`, instead of `auto`, since everywhere else
`enum` means guaranteed to be computed at compile-time whereas `auto`
means the opposite?

Far enough, since it's not possible to change the parameter inside the function anyway.

Question though, what happens with an array literal, example:

void foo(int[] a = [1, 2, 3])()
    auto b = a; // allocation ?
    auto c = a; // allocation ?

As far as I understand, if an array is declared as a manifest constant it will cause a new allocation for each time it's used.

enum a = [1, 2, 3];
auto b = a; // new allocation
auto c = a; // new allocation

What happens when an array literal is a default value for a template parameter?

/Jacob Carlborg

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