On Thursday, 23 February 2017 at 07:36:11 UTC, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
That is a matter of perspective. I, for one, feel other languages put too much constraints on, making me work quite hard to get what I want expressed in the language, often blocking me from the most efficient implementation altogether.

What I meant was that what was things along the line of: best-practice in the past for meta-programming is no longer the best way to go about it today, yet C++ remains backwards compatible so... as a result you end up having N ways of expressing the same thing. Which makes C++ harder to read than it should be.

It is not so much about being able to express something as it is about having N different convoluted ways to express the same thing.

Which is precisely why it is not a good language to start with unless you intend to stick with it.

At this point C++ is a very poor choice for education at any level.


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