There's a reason stackoverflow and softwareengineering.stackexchange delete these kinds of questions: they're counter productive and can't actually be answered.

The question "Which is the best programming language to learn in 2017" is one such question. It comes down strictly to opinion and circumstance. Because of this, the "answers" are either answering a different question or just ads for the user's favorite language. It seems most of the top answers in that thread took the question to mean "Which language would be most likely to get me a job in 2017", which isn't the same.

Programming questions on Quora are the dumping ground for bad SO questions.

Most D power users spend their time either on the IRC or on SO.

I agree with you, the question is vague, etc.

But my point is : this is exactly the kind of question beginners like me use to git this advice on which language they should learn.

I did some research with google with the keywords "best programming language to learn", which lead me to what people say on Quora and similar websites.

Nothing fancy. And I didn't ask a more specific question myself, I wouldn't probably have read anything about D, which is sad.

D is great for students, so my advice is to stop advertising D so much for power users, and promoting it more as the best language out there to learn object oriented programming, before digging into Java, C++, Javascript etc.

Because that's where D is strong : it regroups all their features (reference types like in Java/C#/Javascript, native array/maps/slices/foreach like in Javascript, structs/pointers/templates like in C++), while keeping almost the same syntax.

I've personally ported my little experiment programs from D to Java, C#, C++ and even Javascript with incredible ease.

I'm very impressed how D's syntax and native features make it actually a common denominator to all these languages.

That's really where it is stronger than any other programming language on earth : it's the simple, pragmatic and efficient synthesis of the current mainstream languages.

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