I *strongly* agree with the notion that mobile/ARM/iOS/'droid/etc needs to be a major part of D's immediate future.


On 04/06/2017 01:24 AM, Joakim wrote:
I have been saying for some time now that mobile is going to go after
the desktop next
Samsung just announced it, for a flagship device that will ship tens of

If you look into the details and current reality of the S8's docked mode, *at best* it's equivalent to Windows 8.0 and will remain so for at least a couple years or so: It's connecting a keyboard/mouse/monitor to a software ecosystem that is still 90% tailored for handheld formfactor.

Ie, at best, it's going to be awhile before it's docked mode is realistically usable as a Win/Lin/OSX replacement (as opposed to a mobile projected onto a 20" screen). And by then, they'll be building hype for Galaxy S10 or so.

Not saying it won't happen at some point in the near-to-mid future, but time has proven that each of these attempts, individually, only each have a modest chance of really taking off (and frankly, I've seen other attempts that did a better job - namely the abandoned one Ubuntu had been working on, which ran the *actual* Ubuntu desktop when you plugged in monitor/keyboard/mouse). Even if Samsung does succeed in making the Galaxy a genuine desktop option, it's definitely not going to happen within the S8's lifetime. This is just the "early adopter tech-preview" device.

D is currently built and optimized for that dying PC platform.

This is just hyperbole. Declining != dying.

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