On Wednesday, 19 April 2017 at 10:58:06 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:
One last thing. D is a pretty good language for getting stuff done quickly in for a prototype that can be cleaned up quickly. That's a point Andy Smith made, and that Liran made in his talk also. I am having to deal with that increasingly now. I would certainly much rather turn a D prototype written by a trader into production than a python one - lets not speak of Matlab! This aspect is mentioned on website but should be hammered home - it's a practical language for getting started stuff done fast
 without leaving a mess.

This is a point that keeps coming up, but it is hard to market without people either trying the language or user testimonials. Would you be able to write up a blog post about this, perhaps along with your D collaborators to fish out some concrete examples from your collective experience, maybe for the D blog?

We tend to focus more on the technical side for the D blog, would be nice to have a post from this development perspective.

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