On Thursday, 20 April 2017 at 18:28:30 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
On Monday, 17 April 2017 at 19:38:33 UTC, Kapps wrote:
On Saturday, 15 April 2017 at 20:04:13 UTC, Jonas Drewsen wrote:

C# got this feature recently. I didn't expect it to be a significant difference, but I do find it a substantial improvement. Not only does it clearly show what goes where, but it's so much cleaner and more convenient.

I don't understand how

writeln($"{a} times 3 is {a * 3}");

is even marginally better than

writeln(a, " times 3 is ", a * 3);  // look ma, works right now!

It's not even fewer characters.


I find the first one to be cleaner honestly. It shows exactly where values are coming from, doesn't have a bunch of commas that can be annoying to match up, and doesn't start and stop a string multiple times. And for the second one, that's only because writeln specifically includes overloads to take in multiple objects and merge them together. This isn't something functions should have to always do (except in the cases where taking in multiple arguments is actually more efficient, like presumably with writeln since it doesn't need to actually merge the string).

It's not like it's a huge missing feature. Having something like the below isn't too bad:
foo(format("Value of ", a, " * 3 is ", a * 3, "."));
But it's just not as nice as:
foo($"Value of {a} * 3 is {a * 3}.");

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