Are there any known solutions to perform efficient move construction in D?

D's pretty good at doing moves at all the right times, but with a serious
limitation compared to C++ that the type must be an exact match.

Consider this C++; really bad example, but just to illustrate:

struct X { std::string s; };

struct Y {
  std::string s;

  this(const X &x)
    s = s; // copy the string, expensive
  this(X &&x)
    s = std::move(s); // claim s from x, efficient

Now, I'm not saying that rval references are the only solution here, just
that I can overload the construction from an X for the rvalue and
non-rvalue case, which is what I want...

I'm thinking in D, this *might* be possible:

struct X {}

struct Y {
  this(auto ref X x)
    static if (__traits(isRef, x))
      // x is lvalue, copy construct
      // x MUST be rvalue(?), move construct
      // does this pattern require that I invalidate x the same way C++
does such that X's destructor won't clean up or crash?

Is this solid? I have a vague memory of thinking on this once and realising
there was some edge case where it was logically flawed, but I can't
remember clearly.

Assuming this does work, the next issue is something that mirrors
std::move(), is there already such a thing?

Finally, a further problem exists with auto ref where the function must be
a template. I have cases of code-not-available lib API's where templates
are a problem.
I would prefer to overload 2 constructors for the 2 cases, than have one
template constructor and static if inside. I wonder what would happen in
this case:

struct X {}

struct Y {
  this(ref const X x)
    // x is lvalue reference, copy construct
  this(X x)
    // x is an lvalue... which may be a copy of another lvalue. can't move
construct :/

I guess the question in this case is how overload selection may or may not
I didn't test this, but I expect it's an ambiguous call given an lvalue?

I wonder if this overload set could be made to work such that it is certain
that the non-ref overload is only called with rvalues; ie, given this
ambiguous call, ref is preferred for lvalues. rval can not call ref,
therefore must resolve to byval.

Where is this stuff at?

- Manu

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