On Sunday, 23 April 2017 at 17:13:31 UTC, Basile B. wrote:
On Sunday, 23 April 2017 at 17:07:51 UTC, Jonathan Marler wrote:
On Sunday, 23 April 2017 at 17:00:59 UTC, Basile B. wrote:
2/ Why not just a member function ?

For the same reason that UFCS exists. You can't add "member functions" to external library types.

Good point. I have to say that this feature then makes me think to what's called "class helpers" in the Delphi/Object Pascal world. That's exactly for what they're used.

I've added a DIP for this (https://github.com/dlang/DIPs/pull/61).

At first I first thought that all we needed was to add semantics to take the address of a UFCS-style call, but after messing around with your example I realized that delegates are not ABI-compatible with functions that take the delegate ptr as the first parameter. You mentioned that the problem was with the parameter order and that this should work with extern(C) functions and I think you're right.

The new DIP proposes the addition of "Extension Methods" which are functions that are ABI-compatible with delegates. You define an extension method by naming the first parameter "this":

struct Foo
    void bar(int x)
void baz(ref Foo this, int x)

Because the first parameter of baz is named this, it is an "extension method" of Foo which means it is ABI-compatible with the method bar.

void delegate(int x) dg;
Foo foo;

dg = &foo.bar;  // a normal method delegate
dg(42);         // calls foo.bar(42)

dg = &foo.baz;  // an extension method delegate
dg(42);         // calls baz(foo, 42);

dg = &baz; // a "null delegate", unsafe code, funcptr points to the baz function, but ptr is null
dg(42);         // calls baz(null, 42);

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