On Saturday, 6 May 2017 at 06:26:29 UTC, Joakim wrote:
Walter Bright: I firmly believe that memory safety is gonna be an absolute requirement moving forward, very soon, for programming language selection.

Scott Meyers: For, for what kinds of applications?

Walter: Anything that goes on the internet.

Scott: Uh, let me just, sort of as background, given the remaining popularity of C, unbelievable popularity of C, which is far from a memory-safe language, do you think that that... I'm having trouble reconciling the ongoing popularity of C with the claim that you're making that this is going to be an absolute requirement for programming languages going forward.

Walter: I believe memory safety will kill C.

Scott: ... Wow.

The whole exchange starts with a question at the 8h:33m mark and goes on for about 13 mins, worth listening to.

I agree with Walter that safety will be big going forward, should have been big already.

Hm, Sociomantic removes the live captures the next day?

One request: Chop the panel discussion into one clip per question/topic, please. Alternatively, provide some means to easily jump to the start of each question.

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