On Tuesday, 9 May 2017 at 12:13:34 UTC, Adam Wilson wrote:
Can we PLEASE get more of this? I'm not saying up-end the language, but let's solve some problems. I doubt our corporate users will be very angry. I suspect that most reactions will fall between "minor irritation" and this one.

/me looks sideways at shared

Here is more of this. Writing industry D code I *love* breaking changes that reveal bugs in the code base. A while ago I suggested changing cast(bool) semantics of floating-point types so that assert(x) fails if x is NaN (https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13489). It was rejected because it could break existing code and surprise C/C++ programmers (although the point of NaN is to surprise you IMHO). I wonder what the ratio of valid to buggy code is that would break with this change. At least I enjoy it if my buggy code breaks.

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