On Wednesday, 10 May 2017 at 17:12:11 UTC, Carl Sturtivant wrote:
Here's the beginning of an interesting little experiment to simulate reference variables using `alias this` to disguise a pointer as a reference. Could add a destructor to set the pointer to null when a reference goes out of scope.

Here's a better version. Improvements? This can still behave as badly as a pointer, e.g. if returned from a function.

struct reference(T)
    T* ptr;
    this(ref T x)
        ptr = &x;
        ptr = null;
    import std.exception : enforce;

    ref T cnvrt() @property
        enforce( ptr !is null);
        return *ptr;
    ref T cnvrt(T x) @property
        enforce( ptr !is null);
        return *ptr = x;
    ref reference!T opAssign(T t)
        enforce( ptr !is null);
        *ptr = t;
        return this;
    ref reference!T opAssign(ref reference!T r)
        enforce( ptr !is null && r.ptr !is null);
        *ptr = *r.ptr;
        return this;
    alias cnvrt this;

void main()
    int i;
    auto ri = reference!int(i);
    auto ri2 = reference!int(ri);


    i = 99;
    assert(i==ri && i==ri2 && ri==ri2);

    ri = 100;
    assert(i==ri && i==ri2 && ri==ri2);

    ri2 = 101;
    assert(i==ri && i==ri2 && ri==ri2);

    int j = -1;
    auto rj = reference!int(j);

    ri = rj;


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