On Friday, 12 May 2017 at 16:17:03 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
The first stage of the formal review for DIP 1003 [1], "Remove body as a Keyword", is now underway. From now until 11:59 PM ET on May 26 (3:59 AM GMT on May 27), the community has the opportunity to provide last-minute feedback. If you missed the preliminary review [2], this is your chance to provide input.

At the end of the feedback period, I will submit the DIP to Walter and Andrei for their final decision. Thanks in advance to those of you who participate.

[1] https://github.com/dlang/DIPs/blob/fbb797f61ac92300eda1d63202157cd2a30ba555/DIPs/DIP1003.md

[2] http://forum.dlang.org/thread/qgxvrbxrvkxtimzvn...@forum.dlang.org

I vote for option 4 - a combination of 1 and 3:
* Make body a contextual keyword
* Allow omitting it
* No need for deprecation

I don't buy the argument against contextual keywords. D already has them. For example 'C++' can mean two things depending on the context:

// 1:
int C;

// 2:
extern (C++) void foo();

And also let's not forget that 'in' and 'out' are both parameter storage classes and keywords in the context of contracts.

This has never been a problem for D and other languages are doing great with this feature:


C# also has a way of using identifiers with the same name as reserved keywords:
(as far as I remember Basile tried to implement this, but ran into some problems, so I'm not sure how doable is such a feature for D, in the presence of mixins).

Even if for this particular case contextual keywords are not the best solution (I disagree), I believe that dismissing them would be mistake. They are a powerful technique in language design that allows evolution of the language without the issues with associated with changing the meaning of / breaking existing user code.

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