On Friday, 23 June 2017 at 09:06:59 UTC, Solomon E wrote:
What I expected from my impression of existing D syntax was that something like this might be coming up:

T foo(T)(T x, T y)
    in (x > 0, y > 0)
    out (r; r > 0)
    return x % y + 1;

`out ()` has syntax similar to `foreach` and `for`, allowing mentioning something about the return type, or unpacking a return value, then testing it. (When there's no semicolon, an `out` block follows.)

This is a good idea, and I didn't think of it. Points:

* It would be great if you were allowed to omit the identifier before the semicolon in cases where you didn't need it. The existing foreach grammar does not allow this [1]. I'm not sure if that is intended to prevent bugs, or if it was just never thought to be useful.

* The grammar for what's inside the parens should also mimic what's inside `assert`s, allowing an error message. So the new grammar would actually be a mix of the existing `foreach` and `assert` grammars, e.g.

out(r; r >0, "contract violated!")

Comparing with the double parens solution:

out(result)(result > 0, "violation!")
out()(otherData > 0, "prohibited!")


out(result; result > 0, "violation!")
out(; otherData > 0, "prohibited!")

It's a close call. Nice job!

[1] https://dlang.org/spec/statement.html#foreach-statement

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