On 18.08.2017 03:11, Johnson Jones wrote:

private struct oo{
    import std.stdio: writeln, write;
    import std.algorithm: filter, map;
    // …

void main(){
    oo.write("result: ");

Wow, that might solve the problem! A little more verbose but it does combine everything.

Any downsides?

- It is more verbose. ;)

- IMAO it shouldn't even work without 'public' on the imports. (So if someone decides to fix that it might break and become more verbose.)

- It introduces a new type that would not really be necessary. This is avoidable, at the cost of a little more verbosity:

private template Imports(){
    public import std.stdio: writeln, write;
    public import std.algorithm: filter, map;
private alias oo = Imports!();

void main(){
    oo.write("result: ");

The pattern can be abstracted into a utility template:

module util;

// ...

template Imports(T...){
    import std.string,std.algorithm;
    mixin([T].map!(x=>"public import "~x~";").join);
    // or, starting from DMD 2.076, you could use static foreach instead:
    // static foreach(x;T) mixin("public import "~x~";");

// ...


module main;

import util: Imports;
private alias oo = Imports!(
    `std.stdio: writeln, write`,
    `std.algorithm: filter, map`

void main(){
    oo.write("result: ");



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