On 08/27/2017 12:26 AM, Ecstatic Coder wrote:
My point is that when you arrive to the further reading, you are invited to buy Ali's book :

You can read Ali's book online for free.

I've no problem with that, but would it be possible to consider adding also a link to this tutorial in the same paragraph ?


I'd vote against that. It seems poorly written.

* There are multiple grammatical errors in the first paragraph alone.
* The hello work example is repeated multiple times on the first pages, always with a pointless `args` parameter on `main`.
* The download links go to 2.064.2, which is several years old.
* The "first D program" has the line `writeln("test!");`. Its output is given as "test", missing the exclamation mark.

As far as I see, it's just not good.

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