On Wednesday, 30 August 2017 at 20:23:18 UTC, Johnson Jones wrote:
It would be nice if, when symbols are missing, they are unmangled!

Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D12mMunchhousin12iMunchhousin11__T4GoTsZ4GoMFS12mMunchhousin18__T10MunchhousinTsZ10sMunchhousinfE12mMunchhousin9eGoffZv (void Munchhousin.Munchhousin.Go!(short).Go()

I know some like to read nonsense for fun, but I don't. Sure, I could learn, but it is a useless skill only good for interpreting link errors, writing compilers, and being the life of the party, none of which I want to do for a living.

Your error message already displays "void Munchhousin.Munchhousin.Go!(short).Go()"

Is this not the missing symbol?

I don't read mangled names either and I've found ddemangle tool helps. It ships with dmd.


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