On 02.09.2017 23:38, Markus Pursche wrote:
Hi, I'm trying to hot reload a DLL while the program is running to allow for rapid iteration in a game engine I am working on. I started reading up on how DLLs work between D code here: https://wiki.dlang.org/Win32_DLLs_in_D#D_code_calling_D_code_in_DLLs

Unfortunately, this section only applies to simple programs (no multi-threading, no sharing of other resources than GC-memory, not even malloc'ed memory). I think there should be a big red warning at the beginning of that section.

Proper DLL support for Windows (with a shared phobos library) is slowly being worked on, see http://dconf.org/2016/talks/thaut.html

In the mean time, I prefer keeping DLL resources completely separate, as shown in https://wiki.dlang.org/Win32_DLLs_in_D#DLLs_with_a_C_Interface

I followed that example, however when I try to do the following I crash:
1. Load DLL
2. Unload DLL
3. Load DLL again

The problem I am getting is a Bad File Descriptor exception right after step 2, on my very next writeln to be exact.

Here is the exception I am getting: http://imgur.com/a/b9XBm
I spent a couple of hours trying to debug it, googling all sorts of combinations of "dlang unloadlibrary bad file descriptor", until I got the idea to try "dlang freelibrary bad file descriptor" and found this old bug report from 2004:


This sounds absolutely spot on to the problems I am having. I tried to save stdout and reset it after unloading my library but I still crashed on the next writeln, does anyone have an idea for a workaround on this?

I'm hoping that someone like Walter or Andrei will see this and decide that it's time for this 2004 issue to finally die. :P

You are probably hitting https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1550, so try the workaround: import std.stdio and add "_fcloseallp = null;"
somewhere in your DllMain.

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