On 11/30/17 3:34 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:
On 29.11.2017 20:49, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

I would say:

struct attribute1{}
struct attribute2{}

int foo(@attribute1 int x){ return x; }
int bar(@attribute2 int y){ return y; }

pragma(msg, typeof(&foo)); // int function(@attribute1 int x)?

int function(int)

Your suggestion is missing the parameter name.

Yes, I didn't actually test this code, my version was just looking at what happened when attributes were assigned to a function. So I didn't bother putting in parameters, and assumed just the type would come through :)


auto weird(){
     int x;
     void foo(@x int y){}
     return &foo;

pragma(msg, typeof(weird())); // ?

void delegate(int)

Just noticed this:

auto weird(){
      int x=3;
      int foo(int y=x){ return y; }
      return &foo;
pragma(msg, typeof(weird)); // int delegate(int y = x)

I.e., we have "Voldemort initializers".

IMO, whatever mechanism is doing this, it's not really part of the type, but it is part of the type. I think we should consider reworking how this works in the compiler, I don't like the way it's done. It's too fragile and inconsistent.


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