On Saturday, 2 December 2017 at 23:26:20 UTC, Ivan Trombley wrote:
On Saturday, 2 December 2017 at 14:34:58 UTC, Arek wrote:
You can try `dub build --build-mode=single-file --parallel`. It will execute separate instance of compiler for each source file. If --parallel is given, dub will launch several instances of dmd in parallel.

I get the error:
Error processing arguments: BuildMode does not have a member named 'single-file'

Sorry, my mistake. `--build-mode=singleFile`

On Saturday, 2 December 2017 at 22:54:56 UTC, Indigo wrote:
I haven't tried gtkd in a while but when I did it built in seconds... I was not using dub though but the build script that comes with it.

My project has
  "dependencies": {
    "gtk-d": "3.7.2"

To build release, it takes more than three minutes to build gtk-d on Linux (Ryzen 7 1700 processor).

The only reason for really long builds I know, was a lack of memory and swapping.

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