On Wednesday, 13 December 2017 at 03:15:11 UTC, IM wrote:

I'd get rid of the ITaskRunner interface and rename AbstractTaskRunner to TaskRunner. Interfaces are fine when you need them, but you rarely need them. You can just make PostTaskAndReply non-final and it's the same. It's slightly cheaper than calling the final method through an interface, even.

I'd also eliminate TaskSystem. You can use a thread-local TaskRunner pretty much the same way, and it's a bit weird to have policy based on thread ID. (Normally, you would have a threadpool-like thing for each type of task. Like one for serving web traffic, one for transcoding video, one for reading RSS feeds, etc.) Thread IDs can be reused, so if you forget to clean something up, you might end up reusing the wrong TaskRunner later. A thread-local variable also reduces the work you have to do to stop a thread.

In any case, the TaskRunner-per-thread thing is a policy decision that's not really appropriate for a library to make. You generally try to leave that to applications.

TaskQueue has a race condition, I think:

Thread 1 calls Pop(). It acquires the mutex.
Thread 1 observes there are no tasks available to pop. It waits on the condition variable. Thread 2 calls Push(). It tries to acquire the mutex, but the mutex is taken. It blocks forever.

Reading code is generally easier when that code follows the style guide for the language. https://dlang.org/dstyle.html and maybe run dfmt on your code. For instance, when you write `atomicOp !"+="`, it takes me about a full second to connect that to the common style of `atomicOp!"+="`. If I worked with your code for an hour, that would go away, but it's a bit of a speedbump for new contributors.

One other point of note about formatting: I never regret using braces around single-statement blocks. Like:

    while (!done && tasks.length == 0)

I just so frequently need to add logging or extra bookkeeping to statements like that that it's not even worth the time to try to omit braces.

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