If you have a function with a return type listed as `auto`, please thoroughly describe what interface the return value provides.

"Returns a forward range of Elem", where Elem is a template parameter, is fine, for instance.

But look at std.regex.RegexMatch.front:

"Functionality for processing subsequent matches of global regexes via range interface"

It has an example that mentions a `hit` property. Other parts of the RegexMatch interface mention `pre` and `post` properties. What are they? It is a mystery!

Turns out that the return type is a Captures struct, and that could be made explicit with little effort. (Such as https://github.com/dlang/phobos/pull/5963.)

This *is* redundant. Looking at the source code lets you find the return type in less than thirty seconds. Or you can put into your code: `pragma(msg, ReturnType!(func).stringof);` However, I imagine we'd lose a lot of people in the "see missing documentation" → "look at source code" step.

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