On Saturday, 30 December 2017 at 14:42:45 UTC, Muld wrote:
On Saturday, 30 December 2017 at 06:55:13 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
It's not like we have a shortage of bugzilla issues and are wondering what to do next.

Yah there are a ton of Bugzilla issues, that's the problem. More than half of them aren't "actionable" as you put it.

Here's the problem, look at something like Rust:

Pull requests? 95 open, it's about the same as Dlang, But if you go to the last page...


Look at that the oldest one is from October 15th, 20_17_.

Now we go to DMD...


Oldest one is from January 17, 20_13_.

This is a problem that many of us are working on fixing. The main reason many of these old zombie PRs stick around is that historically, people are hesitant to close things (for a variety of social reasons, I feel). While there is still the slightest chance that something might someday be merged, it is kept open. Rust is a lot more aggressive about closing bad or outdated PRs and either guiding PRs that need work to get to a mergeable state, or closing them and communicating that this is not the correct way to go. I watched a talk by a Rust contributor specifically on this point awhile ago - they have a bot that does a lot of the PR closure work to get around the fact that people are hesitant to be the "bad guy" and tell someone that their work is not good enough. D needs to get much better at this, and I think things are happening - slowly. The bad optics and demoralizing effect of letting things sit forever without definitive action outweighs the potential loss from being more aggressive about closing or merging.

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