On Wednesday, 3 January 2018 at 12:15:13 UTC, Pjotr Prins wrote:
they come if they need it. I remember a Google engineer telling me that he was tired of people bringing up D every time. That was 10 years ago. D has had every chance to become a hype ;)

There was a lot of hype around D about 10 years ago, because of slashdot? (slashdot doesn't seem to work as a hub in that way anymore?) Geeky people had even heard about it in job interviews… But the compiler was a bit too buggy for production use and the GC was… a problem for what it was position itself as: a replacement for C++.

There are other languages that also position themselves as C++ replacements, such as http://loci-lang.org/ , but very few have heard of those. So yeah D has enjoyed more hype than most languages in this domain, actually.

why. What is it that makes a hyped language?

Well, depends on the hype, I guess. But you probably need some kind of "prophetic" message that will "remove all pain". Since C++98 was not painless, there was a market for a "prophetic message". Much less so now. Also you need a "tower for announcing" like Slashdot. I don't think reddit is anywhere near as effective as Slashdot used to be. Too fragmented.

Rust received hype because it would make writing fast programs "painless", just wait, it isn't quite ready yet, but we'll get there. So they hype prophecies were there before Rust was actually useful.

I don't think Go was all that hyped up. It received a lot of attention at first release, but was underwhelming in terms of features. But it received a lot of attention when being used for containers, I believe. So more a niche utility marketing effect in terms of buzz.

So hype seems to come with a language being used for some new way of doing something (even though the language might not be significant in that regard, e.g. Go). Or the hype seems to come before the product is actually useful, not quite like a pyramid scheme, but close… Oh yeah, bitcoin too. Prophetic, but not particularly useful… yet, but just wait and see.

So I guess hype comes from:

1. People having an emotional desire to be free from something.

2. A tech delivering some kind of prophetic message one can imagine will provide some kind of catharsis if one just believe in the outcome.

Then you have this all the psychological effect that if people have invested significant time, resources and/or emotion into something then they will defend it and refuse to see flaws even when faced with massive evidence against it. So the hype will be sustained by a vocal set of believers if you have reached a large enough audience with your messaging before the product is launched…?

Then it tapers off in a long tail… or the believers will make it work somehow, at least good enough to not be a lot worse than the alternatives.

docs. I just disagree with the aim of trying to make D a hyped language.

Yes, that is a bit late, I think. You would have to launch D3 or something to get a hype effect (at least in the west).

A language like GNU Guile has only a few developers - and they do great work.

But is Guile used much outside GNU affiliated projects?

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