On Wednesday, 31 January 2018 at 10:35:06 UTC, Benny wrote:
I told before if there is no leadership to focus resources and the main developers are more focused on adding more features to the compiler that is already overflowing, then how do you expect to see things solved?

Yes, that is probably the main issue. Where D is going with memory management is still not clear after... many years. It is also not clear whether D is trying to carve its own niche or is going after C/C++/Rust, different people state very different goals. So it is difficult to imagine where D is heading. At the moment it is basically easier to just stand by and watch while using more narrowly focused languages in production.

Let me say this again: I like D but unless you are years into D as a developer its just frustrating to deal with the constant issues.

So basically the same issues as C++.

Tired of reading the same rhetoric as are the people who think posts
like this are troll posts.

People who pretend to be self-confident, but aren't, tend to go with that rhetoric. *shrugs*

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