On Sunday, 18 February 2018 at 21:37:01 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:
Yes might be an option, but I have little experience with Wine, and adding more complexity to an already complex tool seems problematic. We obviously do build releases on Windows (VirtualBox) and also have Windows CIs, but Vladimir's doc tester is linux-only atm.

I mainly don't want to spent more resources to work on this, hence it's offered for adoption. You might want to collaborate with Vladimir to
integrate this with dlang.org's appveyor.
It can easily test every build and upload artifacts for git tags.

As far as I've seen, so far all failures have been in chmgen or some of its inputs or dependencies. I think that once chmgen itself is tested by CI, there should no longer be any blocking problems caused by building the CHM file itself.

https://github.com/dlang/dlang.org/pull/2213 is green and ready to merge, by the way.

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