On Friday, 16 March 2018 at 14:50:26 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:

Well, Algol, Pascal, Oberon, Component Pascal, VHDL, Ada are all examples of programming languages successfully used in Europe, while having adoption issues on US.

Even Delphi is still having regular conferences and magazine articles here in Germany.

Now that's interesting, so maybe there is a pattern or a quality those languages have in common.

Maybe we care more about enforced code quality? :)

Now, this an interesting point. Mind you, Python (forced indentation) is also a European language. "Quick and dirty" is more common in the US in the sense that they don't philosophize about things but just do them and see what happens (that's why they are often ahead of Europe when it comes to technology). There are loads of good ideas that never made it past the meetings, because they weren't "perfect" yet, while in the US they just did it and improved it later. Is this also the reason why D sometimes suffers from the "the perfect is the enemy of the good" syndrome?

Theories are always made up, else they wouldn't be _theories_ ;)

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